Shantui SD16

The current price is 26710 Euro.

The detailed specification of SHANTUI Bulldozer is provided below.

Look at the technical data of the unit.

The production year is 2023.

Engine/driveline: Euro 3, diesel, displacement: 9730 cc, engine cylinders: 6, 163 hp, engine: Weichai Power WD615T1-3A, in-line, Turbo.

Wheel formula and suspension type: central lubrication, fuel tank: 420 l.

Cab comforts include sunroof, air conditioner, cruise control, power steering, driver pneumatic seat, radio, CB-funk, navigation system, board computer.

Body: tool box.

Number of hours: 377.

Lifting height: 1095.

The unit’s location is in Hefei City, Anhui Province, China.

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