It is available for 23574 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of CATERPILLAR 330BL Crawler excavator.

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The vehicle was manufactured in 2014.

Gross weight: 33702 kg.

Engine/driveline: Euro 2, diesel, displacement: 10500 cc, engine cylinders: 6, 236 hp, engine: 3306TA, gearbox: manual, transmission: Power shift, battery: WITH, battery charger, power take-off, hydraulic tank capacity: 400 L, working pressure: 34 MPa.

Chassis configuration: suspension: hydraulic, wheel base: 2590 mm, brakes: drum, air brakes, track width: 600 mm, fuel tank: 548.9L.

Cab design: cabin, cab type: day cab, additional lights, working lights, air conditioner, seat heating, seat belts, radio, MP3, bluetooth.

Body: body material: steel, loading height: 7600 mm, loading volume: 2.2 m³, tank volume: 549 L, tool box.

Payload: 11080 kg.

Transport dimensions: length – 3610, width – , height – .

Number of hours: 3500.

The lifting capacity is 27392 kg.

The lift height is 10770.

The vehicle is located in China.

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