The price is set up at the amount of 17224 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of CATERPILLAR D6G Bulldozer.

Look at the technical data of the unit.

The vehicle was manufactured in 2017.

Engine/driveline: displacement: 10500 cc, 140 hp, engine: CAT 3306, transmission: powershift, battery: WITH, battery charger, working pressure: 15 MPa.

Wheel formula and suspension type: wheel base: 1520 mm, track width: 406 mm, fuel tank: 295L.

Cab comforts include cabin, fog lights, xenon lights, additional lights, working lights, air conditioner, radio, MP3, DVD.

Body: loading volume: 3 m³, pump.

Exterior measurements: length – 5160, width – 3020, height – 3200.

Number of hours: 3200.

The unit’s location is in China.

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